Cash Flow

Cash Flow is the first of the 5 pillars of wealth management and with good reason!

You’ve heard it before – “Cash flow is king!” Here at MAS Wealth Management we know that the tighter you manage it the stronger the power of the flow. So it’s absolutely critical that you develop a really clear picture of all the elements that contribute to your cash flow. These include:

  • Income

  • Expenses

  • Investments

  • Liabilities

Once you have a clear picture of where your income is coming from and going to, you’ll be in a powerful position to start driving your wealth.

Our cash flow conversation with you will give you real understanding and put your financial future into your control.

Keep this in mind – every commercial entity or business has to have a treasury function. Why not be your own treasurer and make the financial decisions that will give you the greatest opportunity to achieve your financial goals?