The average owner occupied home loan is currently $318,400 (source ABS 5609.0 Housing Finance, Australia). The minimum monthly loan repayment would be $1,955.25 for 25 years at an interest rate of 5.5%. You would have paid $586,578 of principal and interest over the term of the loan.


Your investment is the engine driving your financial future. Can you imagine driving a car with no gear box?

Leverage can be achieved through smart borrowing. The emphasis is on the word smart. Each of us will borrow money throughout our lives. Unfortunately some of that borrowing is what is known as bad debt. Bad debt is where you pay 100% of the interest.

Good debt on the other hand, is where dividends and tax savings pay 80% of the interest. In other words it can make you money, not take it!

If you have any debt right now, a conversation with us will show you how to manage that debt, leverage it, and have it work for you rather than against you.